The Mrs. The Mommy. The M.D.: We (I) Needed a Little Christmas...
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Sunday, December 31, 2017

We (I) Needed a Little Christmas...

This year, our home hosted the last interview dinner again. We LOVE hosting anything, and it gave me huge motivation to get our Christmas decorations up earlier (i.e. a whopping three weeks before Christmas). It was no small feat as this was our biggest tree yet! Shout out to my mom the OG of "I decorate my tree with a ladder". 

After filling our home with more poinsettias and pine than should be allowed, rearranging the ornaments that the kids placed on the lower branches, and deflecting snow-globe sabotage (I'm looking at you, Natey) heart was overflowing with holiday joy. 

All of the decorations even transformed Isabelle into a Nutcracker ballerina...

I think I know what her new activity will be in 2018 ;-) 
Later that night, we headed to the home of two of my co-residents for our resident holiday party. This was actually the first one I made it to because we either didn't have a babysitter or were out of town. It was a lot of fun!

The found the desserts!

Also, 6 of the 7 members of my class were there, which NEVER happens since one of us is always on call.

Class of 2018, minus one (home sick with her little)

Fast forward to Christmas Eve....

I mentioned in my last post, on the 23rd my parents AND Grammy made the drive down (!!!).  This was a big deal because this was her first Christmas since my Grandaddy died. We knew she would be sad, but didn't want her to be alone. She can be stubborn, but she agreed this time. My little bro also flew in from Chicago - the other two had a wedding and had to work back at home so they could not make it. Missed you guys!

I was feeling under the weather and kind of like a Scrooge all week because I had been working a ton. When I got home on Christmas Eve, it was around 9PM. The cookies were already made and Nate had gotten all of the gifts ready the day prior without me - also because I was working.

I stayed up to set out the presents. I think this may be our Natey's last Christmas believing in Santa. He wrote him a letter saying he still believed even though a lot of his friends didn't. Be still my heart....

Uncle Carey wrote a letter back to Natey - because he would recognize his parents' handwriting, obviously...

No one got dressed until dinner, and then I went right to bed. I didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked, but man, nothing beats having family around for the holidays. My heart was so full.

Tuesday, it was back to the Onc service for me. It was a bummer to work Christmas week, but being at work also put things into major perspective. Some of our sweet patients could not go home for Christmas, despite this, they were grateful to be alive, and some knew they were spending their last Christmas here on Earth.

This year was rough, but it's important that I don't let being tired push me away from seeing opportunity for gratitude in all things, choosing compassion, remembering my purpose, and seeing the good in all people.

It may be January tomorrow, but I'm going to keep the Christmas Spirit going a little while longer...

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