The mission of Heart Change Ministries is to serve the less privileged women of Indianapolis with the gospel of grace, equipping them to live as God intended them as women, mothers, and members of their communities.
I found Heart Change through a search online last summer when I was looking for somewhere I might be able to mentor young women who were pregnant and/or had kids. Although, my schedule doesn't allow me to make the Wednesday morning sessions during the school year, I am so happy to have the opportunity to spend time with everyone during the summer.
We meet with the women and their children at a church on the Eastside of Indianapolis - one of the more at-risk neighborhoods. And for three hours, Heart Change provides the children with a camp-like setting that includes toys, games, Bible story time, crafts, science time, and lunch. The moms are in Bible study or workshops while their kids get to play. Usually I am just helping with the kids camp, but I hope to work with some of the moms more this summer too.
Yesterday was the annual zoo trip. Last year, Nate wasn't really paying attention, but this time he was talking about all of the animals he was going to see the night before and all day until we got there. We started out at a dolphin show - which was awesome. After that, he kept saying "My dolphin! My dolphin!" It was so

We all had a great day!

We all had a great day!
I think what impresses me so much about Heart Change is that not only is it run by mothers of all ages who saw a need and answered the call of God, the women volunteering bring their children along with them. Even though all the kids are just playing together, I love the idea of exposing my child to the idea of consistently doing something for someone else without asking for anything in return.
Nate and his new friend Jeremiah imitating the seals...advanced apologies for the mid-video rotation LOL