So in one of my last non-weekly-themed post, I was talking about the summer program that I am coordinating this summer (Camp M.D. through the office of Diversity Affairs).
Well, the first week wasn't too stressful, I was able to get to my class by 7:30AM each morning, with coffee, and time to get organized before my students arrived for the 8:30AM start.
Now it is week two, my little pumpkin is back from his grandma's and back to daycare. His adjustment to school after a two month break wasn't so bad, but Mommy is having a hard time adjusting to the morning rush of getting he and I ready (note: this summer and oncoming school year, I actually am trying to put a little more daily effort into my appearance too). Although it has been a struggle, I have been able to get us out the door between 7/7:15. Today was our personal best!
By the evenings, I am EXHAUSTED! I planned so many things for my afternoons - working out, getting ahead for class the next day, making phenomenal dinners (I did manage to make some bomb.com ziti and enchiladas this week), etc. Which makes me wonder if "taking the whole summer off" to chill was the best idea, because my M2 year is said to be even worse than M1...eek
This week in camp we:
- taught the students how to take a complete medical history
- talked with the dean of admissions for IU School of Medicine
- discussed health disparities (my favorite issue to drop knowledge on...)
- took them on a college visit (to the undergrad campus our school sits on)
- went over the application process for undergraduate and medical school
- talked with the director of pharmacy for IU Health Systems and toured the hospital pharmacy hub
- learned about STI research
- talked with the School of Public Health
- toured the School of Nursing, and got more information on their program
- taught the students how to take basic vitals and let them talk to medical students of all years about their experiences
Also, on Monday, everyone was out shadowing doctors all over Indianapolis. I was so excited by the overall response of the students, and so thankful for all of the physicians willing to spend time with them :-D
How do all of you get back into the morning rush routine after a break from it? How do you help your kids transition again?