Pastor Cedric was talking on Sunday about how we devote our time and energies to our true interests. This is either something we feel we will benefit from or where we have placed value. With this is mind, if we are going to move the mountains in our lives - an authority that we have been given from God (Mark 11:22) - we need to develop a genuine curiosity, desire, and concentrated focus on what God says. And in order to know what God says, we need to go to His word. This will then ensure that we have faith and not doubt. We must "make a decision about some things" and not go back, because an unstable mind will not be able to test the reliability of God's Word.
These things are:
1. That the Word of God is the truth.
2. That the Word of God is a "Yes" for me and my life.
3. That God has the ability from heaven to influence my life on Earth.
4. That the Word of God works EVERY TIME.
I have been telling myself that I want to read my Bible everyday beyond the devotionals sent to my email inbox, so I finally signed up for some reading plans through YouVersion.
This concept of interests/attention can be applied to our relationships with people too. Are you present in the moments of your life when it is important? Do the people close to you feel like you care about them and value your time that you spend with them?
Kerry Shook is talking about this in his series. He said that the miracle is in the mundane moments of life. Like when you are at home, so we need to BE ALL THERE. We spend so much time impressing people who won't matter when it's all said and done, and we need to build up those relationships that do matter.
Hebrews 13:5 is an example of God's love for us and how love should be:
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”
So what types of things are you interested in? Does this line up with what you find yourself spending the most time on?