~"My bed!" Translation: Mommy, put the blanket on me!
~:pointing to snap on pants: "My belt!" Translation: Unbutton my pants!
~"Look Mommy!" :pause: "Look Mommy!"
~"I want choc-lit nilk" I want chocolate milk...
~"No puter Mommy" Get off the computer mommy...
~"Mooooom" Yea, he thinks he's grown now...hope he doesn't stop calling me mommy :tear:
~:one finger on lip very pensive: "Hmmm..."
~:in frustrated tone: "Chum on man! Chum on!!" Translation: Come on, man!
Things My Toddler Does:
All week my debit card has been missing - I absentmindedly (<--this word looks really awkward but spellcheck is letting it roll...) left it on the coffee table so this is totally my fault - and I had a feeling who may have gotten a hold of it so I wasn't worried. But imagine my surprise yesterday while carrying my MacBook and squirming toddler to the car, when my computer slipped off of the passenger seat onto the parking lot asphalt and an orange debit card slipped out from the CD drive slot...

Nate gets the "Samuel L. Jackson Side Eye" for that one.
Chum on, Man....