Since he and I will be able to spend a lot more time together...I have a feeling that he is going to have an abundance of hilarious things to say. And I figure every once in a while I am going to share them with you....
10. :Pointing to CHIN: "Ouch mommy, I hurt my CHIM!"
9. "Look mommy a toucan!" (he was pointing to a bird on TV and he was right)
8. "I want pizzas"
Translation: I want a slice of pizza.
7. :After giving him the look to let him know he's in trouble:
"No trouble mommy, no trouble..."
6. Thanks Mommy, Your Auusome!
Translation: Auusome = Awesome
5. If I am sitting next to him, and have the nerve to get distracted by something, he grabs my face and says:
"Look at me... Mommy, look at me"
4. "Sha baa Da!" Translation: Shut up Da...
o_O This is TOTALLY my fault and SOOO embarrassing because when the hubs and I are joking around I always end up telling him to shut up...so now Nate is trying too :-/ He hasn't done it in public yet...
3. :Holding Up Hand: Good Job Mommy/Da! High Five! High Five!
2. I'm told...
Translation: Told = Cold
1. (after Big Nate brings me and the lil one slurpees to the car)
Me: Thanks Baby.
Lil Nate: Hey Da...
Big Nate: Yes, Nae
Lil Nate: Thanks Baby.
Hope this brought a smile to your Monday morning...
Have a great Day!
Have a great Day!