I'm going to wrap up my Mother's Day tribute series with these outstanding moms...


My Auntie is one of the sweetest women I have had the pleasure of knowing. She married my uncle (who is one of my favorites) and she is not only a great wife and mother, but also a wonderful friend. She was one of my closest confidants and biggest supporters throughout my pregnancy and she has continued to be there for me whenever I needed to vent about the stresses of motherhood and anything else. I love her so much; plus she has some of the most adorable kids on the planet...

When I think about all of the ways the media portrays the relationship between a married woman and her in-laws, I can't help but think how I hit the jackpot. The hubby's family are some of the sweetest and caring people that you will ever meet.
Both the Hub's mommy and grandma (whom we refer to as GG now - she is one of the trendiest great-grandma's I know) are pillars of strength for their family. It is through their legacy of love that they have instilled in their children that molded my husband into the wonderful man he is today. I feel so blessed by them and extremely grateful.


My "sisters-in-love" and I all became mothers within a year of each other.
The hubby's big sis just recently graduated from nursing school - working night shifts AND then taking care of a toddler during the day. That is nothing short of A-MAZ-ING. She and I have gotten really close over the past few years, and I feel like she is the best sister I never had.
The hubby's big brother's wife is another great mother. She decided this year to follow her career dreams and pursue her passion - something we can all learn from. I have watched her lean on her faith, and it has definitely inspired me to look to God to move my life in ways I couldn't have imagined.
Happy Mother's Day to all of the beautiful mothers I have the honor know!