My Grammy is a beautiful spirit - inside and out.

Grammy, ("Lou" - short for "Louise" as I affectionately call her), is a continuous example of selflessness. She thrives on finding ways to help others, even when she is facing challenges herself. Whether it is helping to organize a well-digging mission in Africa or a clothing drive for young mothers in Detroit, it amazes me how even today I have never seen her dwell on the setbacks that life has brought her way. Instead, she is a strong woman of her faith that teaches me that I should be honest about who I am, not be afraid to listen to how I feel, and most importantly, never stop loving people no matter what.

But don't let her small stature, stylish blond hair, and pretty green eyes fool you (isn't she a fox?). Grammy is a woman of strong will and mind. I remember when I was about 7 years old asking why she always called me "Danielle" (my middle name), and the explanation I received was that when I was born, she was hoping that my parents would name me "Elizabeth". When they decided on "Jasmine" in the hospital, I guess as an act of protest she decided to call me by my middle name "Danielle" or just "Princess" ...LOL
One of my favorite memories with Grammy (other than when she calls me on my birthday to tell me the story about the day I was born) was when all of the grandchildren (my brothers and I + our cousin from Memphis) would spend the summer at my grandparents' house. Grammy would make sure we were always doing something fun, were always full of food, and at Vacation Bible School :-)

Even though we haven't spent a summer there in years, today she and I are like old girlfriends when we get together chatting about family events, friends, and everything in between. There is so much comfort in her voice, and being at her house makes me feel like I have found my way home.
I know that one of the reasons I was blessed with such and awesome mother, is because I have an awesome Grammy.
Happy Mother's Day Grammy! I love you! xoxox