“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” - Albert Einstein

It has been a fun and busy week for us. I have enjoyed every minute of it, so my blogging has been quite short and sporadic...which is fine with me, because I felt present and engaged in every moment. I have a little quiet time since my little one if napping, so I am going to kick off this weekend with a list of all the things I am thankful for :-)
- For my wonderful hard-working husband and son who love, love, love, and love...They fill even the dreariest days with sunshine and are one of the constant reminders that God loves me because He gave me my Nates :-)
- For the good health of all of our family and friends - something we should never take for granted.
- For family visits. We just said our goodbyes to one of my sisters-in-love and nephew who arrived on Tuesday. We had a blast...took the boys to the Children's Museum on Wednesday and Monkey Joe's on Thursday. Then the mommies had a post-bedtime date to go see Bridesmaids. The movie was pretty cute and very funny :-)
- For little Nate having such a fun week, playing non-stop, and then insisting ON HIS OWN that he take a nap around 12/12:30...this is awesome. Yesterday he said, "Mommy, I'm sleepy" and today, it was "I need bed" within minutes he was sleep LOL
- That we have food on our table and clothes on our backs. That God supplies ALL of our needs.
- For this lovely vacation I am having so far and the extra time I have to recharge.
- For the sun shining today and the weather shaping up to kick off a beautiful family-filled weekend.
I hope you all can take the time to think about all of the blessings (both big and small) in your life...

Have a wonderful weekend!