Yesterday was supposed to be business as usual, but I woke up feeling horrible - nasal congestion, sore throat, coughing, runny nose, the works...
I had every intention of actually physically going to class, but I ended up dropping off the little one and heading to CVS for cold meds and vitamins. I stayed in bed all day - sleeping while I was waiting for the day's lectures to stream. This is when the nerd in me starts to wonder about what bacterial or viral infection has invaded my body. Our last microbiology exam introduced in GREAT detail the immense number of microorganisms that can induce coughing and yellow-green mucus...Lovely I know :-D (You also realize in medical school that you have a greater tolerance/maturity for talking about the "yuckier" things that the body does...well, most of the time...)
I have heard that medical students, doctors, and anyone else in the healthcare field make the worst patients because they prefer to "wait it out" or self-treat with home remedies opposed to medicine. I'm no different, but when I feel bad enough, I give in. By the end of the day, my dad called in an effective macrolide antibiotic called azithromycin (more microbiology info you probably don't care to read LOL); known to many as the "Z-pack", and today I feel soooo much better. Still congested, but well enough to get out of bed and enjoy the day....and class -_-