It is in times like these when I realize how much I have truly learned just after one semester of medical school, but also how much I have yet to know...For example, I know exactly where to check for enlarged lymph nodes - swollen and tender = infection...I know that a spike in your temperature is your body's line of defense to kill bacteria - because they can't survive when their environment temp exceeds the normal 98.6 degrees...I know that if my Hubby does have the flu, and if that strain of the virus is influenza type A, he could take Amantadine within the first 48hrs of symtoms to block further uncoating of the virus...I know that the "seal-like barking" cough that Pumpkin had this past summer resembled croup and that is a parainfluenza virus...and I could go on...So using my knowledge, how then do I apply it to actually help?
Anyone have any suggestions?......
Go on, I'll wait....
Well by 4PM, my ambitious "don't worry I will still get everything done with Pumpkin at home" self was very discouraged because a certain someone did not take his nap that I was banking on to get caught up on today's lectures. It was like he just didn't want to sleep to spite me. At one point I just put him in bed for "quiet time". Surprisingly, he stayed quiet for a while, but just as my GI lecture really started getting good (sarcasm), I heard a little voice yell "Mommeeee! I want book." So he got a few books and was good. Then, I guess he thought since he had read some it was time to play again...he was quite upset when he got denied, and gave me the following face...
Eventually he did nap, and I did get everything done...sort of...I'm not behind and I am almost ready for Wednesday's quiz so that equals a good day. I even got some packing done in the kitchen - it still hasn't hit me that we are moving Thursday...
Ok, Goodnight!
I love the picture! It is funny how we have these plans and poof! They have there own. I hope the Johnson household is back in good health!