This paradox is applicable to many facets of life, but today it resonated in the student-mom department. Just a week ago, I explained to my mom, who is currently going back to school to be certified in project management, that she should always do her work ahead of time if possible, because if something comes up with my two youngest brothers, she is prepared - and something, more often than not, WILL come up...
So being the responsible student-mommy I am, for fall break I had an amazingly ambitious plan to not only catch up on work, but also get a headstart on studying for the next exam block in two weeks...A four day weekend is filled with endless possibilities, both academic AND non. Unfortunately, this weekend, I barely accomplished the things on my list...luckily fall break was Monday and Tuesday, right? Wrong. Pumpkin hasn't been himself all weekend after he got sick at school on Friday, so yesterday we were at the pediatrician where we learned about coxsackie virus :-/ and that he should stay home from daycare one more day just to be sure he's better...
I did get to feel his nodes and practice my differential diagnoses on him prior to the peds visit...but my expertise stops at "enlarged lymph nodes" for now...lol He's doing much better today. I guess watching the effects of his immune system fight off this virus will have to suffice instead of the jumpstart I was planning to get on my immunology course...These are the things I'll remember years from now - that I was able to be there for my son when he needed me. Not that I was prepared for an exam two weeks early, and I'm cool with that :-)
Also, during my break I have been able to practice my culinary skills! The Hubs is such a great cook, I feel like everytime I cook it has to be something he hasn't done much (or before) so I can impress him...haha Anyway, last night was meatloaf (it was great!) and tonight I'm slow cooking a WHOLE chicken! Cooking is pretty fun, I wish I had time to do it more often...maybe I can take weekends...maybe...lol
Sidenote: Special birthday shout out to baby brother number two who turns 18 today!!! Love you!!!!